Ned Beauman

Ned Beauman is a novelist based in London, UK. His most recent books are Glow (2014) and Madness Is Better than Defeat (2017).

‘Never before has a document of an event given such a vivid sense of what things may look like after we are gone’

BY Ned Beauman |

Connecting the dots between modern art and a collection of anatomical wax models in Florence

BY Ned Beauman |

Why are psychologists watching disturbing video art?

BY Ned Beauman |

Ned Beauman is a British novelist based in New York, USA.

BY Ned Beauman |

The cats of Louis Wain

BY Ned Beauman |

Dear Mr Jankel...

BY Ned Beauman |

Subtitled ‘In the Days of the Comet’, the five-yearly touring survey opens in Nottingham

Collaborative fiction and unpublishable books: reading Helen DeWitt’s online-only novel

BY Ned Beauman |