Featured in
Frieze Week Seoul 2023

최랄라: 5가지 색상 연구

한국거주 사진작가로 프리즈 서울 2023를 위한 특별 커미션에서 오방색을 통해 신체,정체성 그리고 소유물에 대한 생각을 비춰본다 

BY Rala Choi in Frieze Seoul , Frieze Week Magazine | 08 SEP 23


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Rala Choi, My Existence, 2023. Courtesy: the artist 

Rala Choi, Mother, 2023. Courtesy: the artist 

Rala Choi, Reason, 2023. Courtesy: the artist

Rala Choi, People, 2023. Courtesy: the artist

Rala Choi, Crouching Man, 2023. Courtesy: the artist

Rala Choi, Leaning Man, 2023. Courtesy: the artist

This article first appeared in Frieze Week, Seoul 2023 under the headline 'Tone Poem' 

Rala Choi is an artist and photographer. In 2022, he was awarded the Photography Grand Prix at the 37th International Festival of Fashion, Photography and Accessories, Hyères, France. He lives in Seoul, Korea.