From 28 October - 5 November, Ulysses de Santi presents a special pop-up show of Brazilian Modern Design at No.9 Cork Street.
With passion in the heritage of Brazilian designers of the 1950’s, 1960’s and early 1970’s, Cecilia Tanure and Ulysses de Santi present iconic designs by Joaquim Tenreiro, Jorge Zalzupin and Sergio Rodrigues amongst others. The pop-up show brings forth a dialogue about their specific inheritance: namely that the beauty, importance and singularity of Brazilian design derives its strength from post-colonial times of natural resources, a mixing pot of European, Japanese and Arab immigrants and a balance between rapid industrialisation and a profound respect for the handmade tradition. Just as concrete is ubiquitous and indelibly linked to Brazilian architecture - forming a modern space around the home, workplace and public spaces of their lives as Brazilians - the importance of the organic and the myriad textures of the native woods have become the surfaces for their daily lives.
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