8 - 24 September
Shanghai-based Vanguard Gallery presented recent and representative works by Kelvin Kyung Kun PARK, Gresham Tapiwa NYAUDE, JIN Haofan, and LAM Pok Yin in the group exhibition ‘Unruly Paradigms'.
The exhibition brought together a series of paintings, videos and virtual reality simulations. Set in today’s world where the real juxtaposed with the unreal, the works explore the conundrums of the present and contemplate the fate of human beings towards a shared future. The four artists, distinct in their own trajectories, question and challenge authority in socio-political infrastructure, daily norm, and technological power. Nyaude’s energetic and metaphoric images visualise the transmutation of identity and dignity, pressurised by social hierarchy and life struggles; while Jin ponders the metaphysical nature of life through his saturated depiction of the alienation and glitches of the mundane. Park contrasts the assimilation and performativeness in collective acts with the embodiment of an individual, while Lam conjures the ghost of human labour that haunts the blackbox of technology.
‘Unruly Paradigms’ is a manifestation of the artists’ bold and unstrained approaches to artistic practice, as well as a statement of the gallery’s unyielding mission in supporting and developing the game-changers in global art.
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