
Showing results 1-7 of 7

Even though eight million births to date are the result of assisted reproduction, the procedure is little represented in art

BY Emily Steer |

Writer and academic Helen Charman’s debut non-fiction book tracks the cultural fixation of mothering in art and literature

BY Anna Coatman |

Carola Grahn invited me to recreate her evolving sculpture at Bergen Kunsthall. Here’s what she taught me about reappraising the self

BY Carol Stampone |

In a new series of postpartum nudes at Tiwani Contemporary, London, the artist paints a realistic picture of intimate moments

BY Ivana Cholakova AND Miranda Forrester |

Eloise Hendy interrogates the complexities of merciless mother-daughter bonds in the author's latest book Is Mother Dead 

BY Eloise Hendy |

The writer interrogates the meaning of care, as well as communicating beyond the mother echo-chamber, through the works of Caroline Walker

BY Hettie Judah |

This year saw the publication of a rich vein of books about motherhood and women’s work

BY Carmen Winant |