
Showing results 441-460 of 1106

Bruguera was one of a number of artists protesting the controversial Decree 349 which critics say will censor and limit artistic freedom

Siegel will divide her time between New York, Berlin and London, leading on frieze’s print and digital publishing

‘To remain silent is to be complicit’: more than 100 staff have demanded the museum clarify its policy on trustee participation

The inquiry into the arts sector’s ‘class ceiling’ follows renewed concern around diversity and exclusion

In further news: badger-hair paintbrushes linked to animal cruelty; Sotheby’s India hit by #MeToo claims

Quai Branly president says that the study commissioned by Macron ‘puts historical reparations over museums’s contribution’

In further news: artists take National Gallery to court; Tel Aviv protests over ‘loyalty in culture’ bill

The French president has acted swiftly following a landmark study on the ownership of African treasures

The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s exhibition of iconic rock instruments has been criticized for only including one woman

In further news: fears grow over ‘Salvator Mundi’; Dutch government face Nazi-art lawsuit; heritage sites lost in Yemen war

Evidence suggests that social stratification in UK arts participation is caused by imbalance between funding priorities and public taste

Twitter users have been quick to think of alternative nicknames, including ‘the cotton bud’ and ‘the tadpole’

Zoe Leonard’s landmark poem revived following US midterms, Turkish arts workers arrested and union protests at MoMA PS1

A Picasso, snatched from Rotterdam’s Kunsthal Museum in 2012 in ‘the theft of the century’, has been revived in an elaborate hoax

In further news: UK threatens to leave UNESCO; Pace teams up with Christo

The museum received tens of thousands of pounds to host the Saudi embassy just days after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi 

Dancers can now wear pointe shoes that match darker complexions

In further news: Berlin cultural institutions rally against far-right; Tate Liverpool to stage first UK show dedicated to Keith Haring

The most heralded artists from the last four decades share one thing in common, according to a new study