2017 Edition: Gallery Applications
Returning May 5-7, 2017 with a Preview on Thursday, May 4
Returning May 5-7, 2017 with a Preview on Thursday, May 4

Gallery applications are now closed.
Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to the artist(s), show an international program and present a minimum of four exhibitions per year in their galleries. Any gallery who applies must be a commercial venture.
For its sixth edition, Frieze New York will present three established feature sections – Spotlight, Focus and Frame – in addition to the main section of the fair.
Spotlight is a critically acclaimed section for solo presentations of 20th-century work from all over the world, with a special focus on work made in the '60s and '70s. This year, the section will be curated by Toby Kamps, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Menil Collection, who also advises galleries for the upcoming edition of Spotlight at Frieze Masters.
Focus is a platform for monographic or two-artist presentations by galleries opened in or after 2005. Frieze welcomes ambitious curated proposals of works specially conceived for Frieze New York 2017.
Frame is a section located in the centre of the fair and dedicated to solo artist presentations of work made for this fair, shown by galleries that opened in or after 2009.
Applications close July 29, 2016.
If you have any questions please email friezenewyork@frieze.com.