Attilia Fattori Franchini
Introducing the curator of BMW Open Work
Introducing the curator of BMW Open Work
Attilia Fattori Franchini is an independent curator and writer based in Vienna. Working on the creation of experimental contexts for the production and display of contemporary practices, her work deals with technology and power structures, late-capitalism and the production of alternative forms of subjectivity. She is director of KUNSTVEREIN GARTENHAUS, Vienna, curator of BMW Open Work by Frieze; Curva Blu, a residency project on the island of Favignana, Sicily; and the Emergent section of miart Milan. She contributes essays and reviews to international catalogs and publications such as Mousse, CURA., Flash Art International, SPIKE Magazine and Camera Austria and has authored catalog essays for monographs on the work of Hervé Guibert, Diego Marcon, Tatjana Dannenberg, Rosa Rendl, Anaïs Horn, Superflex.
Selected past projects include: Behran Karimi, SPIT, Braunsfelder Collection (2021); Hervé Guibert, …of lovers, time, and death, FELIX GAUDLITZ (2020); Tony Cokes, Gabi +, Wien (2020); Bits of girl left out to dry, Bits of boy left out to die, Marianna Simnett, Schinkel Pavillon (2019); Could you visit me in dreams? curated_by festival Vienna (2018); Red Lake, Point Centre for Contemporary Art, Nicosia (2018); and ARS17+, Kiasma, Museum, Helsinki (2017); Guest Curator, Kuvat Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki (2015); Bold Tendencies, London (2015); and HAND, Barbican Centre, London (2013)
Photo Credit: Kristina Kulakova