in Frieze Masters , 소식 | 24 JUN 22

Bursaries for Art Fund Curators Programme at Frieze Masters 2022

Applications are now open for places on Art Fund, the National Gallery Subject Specialist Network and Frieze's two-day fellowship for UK curators of contemporary art

in Frieze Masters , 소식 | 24 JUN 22

Apply here

This year, with Art Fund support, Frieze and the National Gallery Subject Specialist Network will offer up to 10 fully funded places on a two-day programme exploring the subject of historical collections that look to engage with contemporary art. 

Those eligible will be from regional museums who often do not have the travel budgets that allow for easy exchange with their national counterparts. Working in partnership with the SSN for European Paintings pre-1900 and The National Gallery, Frieze and Art Fund are aiming to bring together a cohort of emerging career curators from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. 

Frieze Masters Fair 2021

The programme will include a keynote in-conversation, curators’ workshop, tour of Frieze Masters, as well as a curatorial introduction and access to The Credit Suisse Exhibition Lucian Freud: New Perspectives (The National Gallery). 

Deadline to apply: Wednesday 13 July, 5pm

Event details

Art Fund Curators Programme at Frieze Masters

Frieze Masters

Regents Park, London

Wednesday 12 October 2022, 2.00pm – 8.00pm

Thursday 13 October 2022, 08.45am – 3.00pm

10 bursary places available for UK museum and gallery professionals.

Travel, one night’s accommodation and refreshments will be provided.


Applications are open to all museum and gallery curatorial professionals who work with public collections.

Through the programme we’re aiming to bring together a cohort of emerging career curators from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds.

Apply here