in Frieze New York , 소식 | 09 5월 22

Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI): Experiments in Technology from the 1970s to the Present Day

A curated program of screenings at Frieze New York 2022 will feature Jaime Davidovich, Ulysses Jenkins and Maggie Lee, with works exploring communications technology

in Frieze New York , 소식 | 09 5월 22

On the occasion of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI)’s 50th anniversary, Frieze has invited the organization to program a series of videos from its collection of over 4,000 titles. 

Screenings at Frieze New York will including work that experiments with communications technology, ranging from television to social media. Highlights include Jaime Davidovich’s The Live! Show Promo, 1982, Ulysses Jenkins's, Inconsequential Doggereal, 1981, and Maggie Lee’s WINGS1 and WINGS2, 2013. 

Still from Maggie Lee’s WINGS1, 2013, showing a woman drinking a can of Red Bull
Maggie Lee, WINGS1 (detail), 2013

About EAI

Founded in 1971, EAI is one of the earliest non-profit organizations dedicated to the advocacy for and development of video as an art form, providing a crucial space of production and mode of distribution. The EAI distribution program spans the mid-1960s to the present, and is recognized as one of the most comprehensive video art collections in the world. The works in the collection range from seminal analog videos by pioneering figures to digital works by emerging artists.  

About the Frieze New York Program

Frieze New York is anchored by a curated program of non-profit and artist-led initiatives within the fair and its surroundings. To mark the 10th anniversary of the fair, this year’s program will put a focus on the major New York-based non-profit organizations that have also seen significant anniversaries over the past year. 

Frieze New York 2023

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Main image: Jaime Davidovich, The Live! Show Promo (detail), 1982