Franz Ackermann
Franz Ackermann is an artist living and working in Berlin and Karlsruhe in Germany. He is currently participating in the Tate Triennial in London and will have a solo show at Kunstmuseum Bonn in December 2009.
Franz Ackermann is an artist living and working in Berlin and Karlsruhe in Germany. He is currently participating in the Tate Triennial in London and will have a solo show at Kunstmuseum Bonn in December 2009.

What was the first piece of art that really mattered to you?
An ashtray sculpture by Manfred Pernice (Untitled, 1994).
What image keeps you company in the space where you work?
Matthias Grünewald’s drawing Trias Romana (1525).
What do you like the look of?
All kinds of aeroplanes in the sky.
If you could live with only one piece of art, what would it be?
Rogier van der Weyden’s Portrait of a Lady (c. 1460).
What is your favourite title of an art work?
Meuser’s Afrika verkehrtrum (Africa the Wrong Way Round, 1982).
What music are you listening to?
Havanna Heat Club’s new CD, Specially Made For Your Satisfaction (2008).
What are you reading?
Jimi Hendrix. Eine Biografie (Jimi Hendrix. A Biography, 2008) by Klaus Theweleit and Rainer Höltschl.
What film has most influenced you?
The Wild Bunch (1969) by Sam Peckinpah.
What should change?
The USA.
What should stay the same?
Paintings in public museums.
What could you imagine doing if you didn’t do what you do?
Being a football coach and/or penalty kick consultant/advisor/expert for the English national team.
What do you wish you knew?
How to play the accordion.
What is art for?
For possible communication in all possible directions.