Frieze DJ in Residence: Tarek Atoui
The artist and composer’s playlist is a glimpse into his universe
The artist and composer’s playlist is a glimpse into his universe

For your listening (and dancing) pleasure: a playlist curated for issue 248 of frieze magazine by featured artist and composer Tarek Atoui, who offers an intimate mosaic of tracks that shape his world. Each song offers a unique glimpse into the artist’s universe - a bridge between Tarek’s reality and yours.
Issue 248 sees Tarek speak to musician C. Spencer Yeh about the role of pedagogy, collaboration and hospitality in his work. From teaching workshops in the Palestinian refugee camps of his native Lebanon, to his most recent class at the Bourse de Commerce in Paris, Tarek explores how he incorporates his affinity for teaching into his broader practice. Tarek also discusses his forthcoming exhibition at Pirelli HangarBicocca in Milan, which he describes as a ‘homage to improvisation’.
Main image: Tarek Atoui, I/E (Container), 2013, performance view, FIAC, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France. Courtesy: the artist and Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris; photograph: Marc Domage