BY Jennifer Higgie in 소식 | 11 AUG 08

Frieze Writer's Prize 2008

William Gass wins the writer's prize

BY Jennifer Higgie in 소식 | 11 AUG 08

The winner of the annual international award to discover and promote new art critics has been announced.

frieze writer’s prize 2008 is judged by Tate Triennial curator Nicolas Bourriaud, frieze co-editor Jennifer Higgie and Guardian critic Adrian Searle.

The winning entrant will be commissioned to write a review for the October issue of frieze and be awarded £2000. Two further awards of £500 will be made for outstanding entries.

The winner of this year’s writer’s prize is:

William Gass with his review of Milena Dragicevic, ‘OF ANTS’, Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna, Austria

Gass is currently a curatorial intern at the Contemporary Museum St. Louis. (William Gass, the well-known novelist, short story writer, and critic also lives in St. Louis but, to avoid any confusion, he didn't win.)

Runners up:

Graham T. Beck’s review of Mike Nelson’s ‘A Psychic Vacuum’, The Old Essex Street Market, New York, USA and Conor Carville’s review of ‘Somnambular Existence’, Louise Bourgeois at the Tate Modern, London, UK

We would also like to highly commend the following writers:

Kate Forde, Tyler Friedman, Clay Lerner, J. MacNeill Miller, Chris Moore and Marianne Templeton

Jennifer Higgie is a writer who lives in London. Her book The Mirror and the Palette – Rebellion, Revolution and Resilience: 500 Years of Women’s Self-Portraits is published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, and she is currently working on another – about women, art and the spirit world.