Jarvis Cocker and Jeremy Deller Create Art Trail to Commemorate Ramblers’ Protest
The art works recall the 1932 mass trespass of Kinder Scout in the Peak District
The art works recall the 1932 mass trespass of Kinder Scout in the Peak District

Former Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker has created a new artwork in the Peak District to commemorate the mass trespass of Kinder Scout, a 1932 protest which saw around 400 ramblers trespass in open Derbyshire countryside to draw attention to the lack of right to roam. Five protestors were arrested and imprisoned following the act of civil disobedience.
Cocker, who has been working with British artist Jeremy Deller on the piece, has created artworks to be placed along the length of the route, including a jukebox of protest songs at the trailhead.
Other artworks on the route include black and white photographers of the protesters and a work which has been installed at Edale Chapel. Pink markers will guide walkers along the route.
Some people believe that the protest sparked the National Parks legislation (1949), which saw the creation of the National Parks Commission (later Natural England) and led ultimately to the designation of National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Speaking to BBC Radio Sheffield, Cocker said: ‘I remember coming out here [to Kinder Scout] on school trips being forced to walk in the countryside and complaining bitterly at the time. In later life I've been glad of that.’
‘People might not know the story of the mass trespassers. That's really what led to people being allowed to walk in this area [Kinder Scout], before that the land was very restricted access.’
In a statement to the BBC, The National Trust said: ‘the Britpop star’s art trail encouraged people to think about the importance of being kind to the natural habitat and honoured the individuals who fought for public rights of way.’