'Time does not exist'
Sylvie Fleury talks about re-presenting her work Lean Routine... for The Nineties at Frieze London 2016
Sylvie Fleury talks about re-presenting her work Lean Routine... for The Nineties at Frieze London 2016

Lean Routine or How to Lose 30 Pounds in Under 3 weeks was first shown in 1992 at Postmasters Gallery in New York, with Modulateur Ombres et Lumières, Welcome to the World of Chanel Beauty - a wall painting consisting of four shades of cosmetics made to perfect skin tone. At Aperto ’93 in Venice, the monitor installation was shown again with an “Egoïste” wall painting, painted without a computer’s help, as a backdrop. That - and the the pungent smell of a Damian Hirst tank… The work-outs featured in the piece were hip. I selected them a bit like a curator would. I was interested in readymade videos, and chose from what was available and current. Famous models and movie stars like Jane Fonda - but also Cindy Crawford, Elle McPherson, Raquel Welch and Cher - were selling their recipes for a great figure. I was already creating “Scatter" type of environments, using ready-made objects and videos. Jane Fonda’s stepper was the latest accessory and I wanted to make one in bronze, but I didn’t produce this until 2015.