in Culture Digest | 25 5월 18

Weekend Reading List: ‘The Onion’ in the Age of Trump

Satire and ‘fake news’, the message of the leftist ‘little magazine’, and #RepealThe8th: what to read this weekend

in Culture Digest | 25 5월 18

  • ‘Now, like the legacy media organizations it was founded to ridicule, The Onion is struggling to meet the demands of the world it helped create: one in which satire has never been more ubiquitous or less relevant.’ Drew Nelles on the satirical outlet and ‘fake news’ as big business.
  • Ireland goes to the polls today, 25 May, for a referendum on the country’s abortion ban. Don’t miss artist Jesse Jones, who represented Ireland at last year’s Venice Biennale, on why she’s voting ‘yes’ to repeal the Eighth Amendment.
  • ‘When everything is political, everything is threatened by the tendency of the political to reduce thinking to positioning.’ A brilliant piece by Jon Baskin on left-wing intellectual life, think tanks and the institution of ‘the little magazine’.
  • How Hirokazu Kore-eda’s Palme d’Or-winning Shoplifters is a triumph for mastery of craft.
  • ‘We’d do better if we could bring ourselves to hear that those protesters are largely asking to come inside.’ Aruna D’Souza takes the long view on the protests and counterprotests around Dana Schutz’s Open Casket.
  • And finally, Lyn Gardner on the future of theatre criticism.