in Opinion | 29 5월 14
Featured in
Issue 164

What's Hot What's Not

Despair, ceramics, manners …

in Opinion | 29 5월 14


Despair / politics (sort of) / appropriating queer imagery / complicated back-stories to arrangements of seemingly unrelated objects / being a really young artist / being a really old artist / being a dead artist / artists directing feature films / the ‘post-internet art’ backlash / astronomy / being ‘problematic’ / penises / good ceramics / bad ceramics / old ceramics / new ceramics / paintings with stuff stuck on them / Madame Récamier / re-creating canonical paintings with the figures removed / selling art to rappers / art by rappers / rappers / 1980s Scottish painting / boycotts / blank verse / Feminist Cyborg theory / fridges / getting married / atheism / poodles /


A vague sense of ennui / solipsism / Chris Marker or Siri-type voice-overs / allusions to object-oriented ontology while signalling scepticism / mis-use of the word ‘performative’ / breasts / galleries showing mainly male artists / lovely vitrines full of abject objects / unrealized films / impenetrable press releases / divorce / Jean Cocteau / vitrines full of invitations to performances in Ghent in 1964 or the East Village in 1972 or artist-run spaces in Hoxton in 1993 / no-one having a clue what ‘post-internet art’ means / vague ethnography / vases/ iambic pentameter / cupboards / dressage / fabric / spiritualism / cats /


Earnestness / authenticity / being controversial / soft electronic ‘ping’ sounds in videos / beauty (the old-fashioned kind) / ignoring the politics of the country you’ve been invited to show in / bottoms / boastfulness / quoting Rosalind Krauss in your press release / Shia LaBeouf / turntables / hard-edge abstraction / James Franco / Ryanair / eggs / elbows / Charles Bukowski / describing what you do in your studio as ‘praxis’ / poles leaning against walls for no good reason / hegemony / taxidermy / rhyming couplets / relational aesthetics / banging on / poor punctuation / bad manners / religion / rodents /