Travis Diehl

Travis Diehl is online editor at X-TRA. He is a recipient of the Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant and the Rabkin Prize in Visual Arts Journalism.

In the work of Rafa Esparza, colonialism, family history and sex collide with the landscape of Los Angeles 

BY Travis Diehl |

Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, USA

BY Travis Diehl |

Sprüth Magers, Los Angeles, USA

BY Travis Diehl |

Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde, Denmark

BY Travis Diehl |

Jenny’s, Los Angeles, USA

BY Travis Diehl |

356 Mission, Los Angeles, USA

BY Travis Diehl |

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, USA

BY Travis Diehl |

Deep space, sculpture and Mormonism

BY Travis Diehl |

Los Angeles's newest museum: The Broad

BY Travis Diehl |