We welcome all Frieze VIP guests to join us at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) for Artists at Work: "Painting in the River of Angels: Judy Baca and The Great Wall."
For the newly opened exhibition "Painting in the River of Angels: Judy Baca and The Great Wall," Los Angeles artist Judy Baca and Social and Public Art Resource Center (SPARC) artists will be in LACMA's galleries, painting new sections of The Great Wall of Los Angeles that span the 1960s, depicting moments like the Chicano Movement, the Watts Rebellion, and community organizing by the Black Panthers. Due to the nature of the artistic process, the artists’ working schedule will vary. Visitors will be able to see the mural in progress even when the artists are not in the galleries.
Visitors are welcome to view "The Great Wall of Los Angeles" between regular museum hours:
Mon: 11am - 6pm
Tue: 11am - 6pm
Wed: Closed
Thurs: 11am - 6pm
Fri: 11am - 8pm
Sat: 10am - 7pm
Sun:10am - 7pm
Purchase museum tickets at lacma.org/tickets
Parking for LACMA is located at the Pritzker Parking Garage on 6th St., just east of Fairfax Ave., $21 charge.