Sidsel Meineche Hansen

일요일 29 September 2019
3:30오후 - 5:00오후
Chisenhale Gallery
64 Chisenhale Road
E3 5QZ
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Sidsel Meineche Hansen, from An Artist’s Guide to Stop Being An Artist (2019). Statens Museum for Kunst. Courtesy of the artist.

Chisenhale Gallery will host an afternoon tea with a curator’s tour of Sidsel Meineche Hansen’s new commission.

Meineche Hansen’s work focuses on the industrial complex that connects virtual and robotic bodies to human labour within the pharmaceutical, pornographic and tech-industries. Combining her own low-tech craft with outsourced digital labour, Meineche Hansen’s work comprises drawing, woodcut print, sculpture, computer generated imagery and virtual reality production. Central to Meineche Hansen’s exhibition at Chisenhale Gallery is a new video work that explores the growing economy built on the monetization of personal and behavioural data. The video will be presented alongside new sculptural and photographic works, as well as a selection of existing works. 


Chisenhale Gallery

64 Chisenhale Road
E3 5QZ