Weekend Reading List
From Beethoven's lesbianism to the precarious foundations of political philosophy: what to read this weekend
From Beethoven's lesbianism to the precarious foundations of political philosophy: what to read this weekend

- From frieze.com: Geeta Dayal reflects on the life and legacy of Oliveros, who recently passed away.
- ‘Brahms was a two-penny harlot’ – how Oliveros and the artist Alison Knowles responded to the male dominated canon of classical music.
- Too revealing: Trevor Paglen on surveillance and pictures that look back.
- This is not the age of Enlightenment: Pankaj Mishra argues that to understand the current Euro-American political turmoil, politicians and intellectuals must abandon the principles of liberal rationalism.
- ‘Trolling is the "latrinalia" of popular culture: the writing on the toilet wall.’
- Strange gourmets: in an article from the frieze archives, Brian Dillon asks if taste is an anachronism.
- In bad taste: is there an ethical, feminist, way to make pornography?