Weekend Reading List
From situationists to shame: what to read this weekend
From situationists to shame: what to read this weekend

Building momentum – the architecture of Budapest and Vienna reflects Europe’s current crisis of identity.
All week we’ve been writing on the spot reviews from the Venice Biennale: read about the Arsenale, Central Pavilion and our two-part coverage of the Giardini (post 1, 2). Watch out for further coverage over the weekend.
Struggle on screen: new Senegalese cinema.
Corporeal communism: writer Samuel R Delany on body politics.
‘What I was interested in, quite simply, was changing the world’ – an interview with artist and situationist Jacqueline de Jong, in the current issue of frieze.
A world in need of salvation: a new book resituates Joan of Arc in a future dystopia.
Have public declarations of feeling shamed by others become an all too common tool of political manipulation? Or is shame coming in for an unfair shaming?