Dan Fox

Dan Fox is a writer, filmmaker and musician. He is the author of Pretentiousness: Why It Matters (2016) and Limbo (2018), both published by Fitzcarraldo Editions, and co-director of Other, Like Me: The Oral History of COUM Transmissions and Throbbing Gristle (2020).

For the 100th issue of frieze the editors celebrate the pleasure and pain of criticism 

The art world has long been a favourite target of satirical writing; but can it have a critical effect beyond mere caricature?

BY Dan Fox |

Rirkrit Tiravanija’s mid-career retrospective demonstrates how his work has emphasized interpersonal activity over art production

BY Dan Fox |

Marc Camille Chaimowicz' work is intoxicated by longing; yearning for a place never lived in but rather dreamt of or briefly tasted

BY Dan Fox |

Corvi-Mora, London, UK

BY Dan Fox |

Luchino Visconti

BY Dan Fox |

How Friedrich Kunath enforces ‘togetherness’ through our shared pop culture vernacular

BY Dan Fox |

Giya Kanchelli's elegy for Imber

BY Dan Fox |

Various Venues

BY Dan Fox |

Beaconsfield, London, UK

BY Dan Fox |

Alan Clayson's biography of Edgard Varèse

BY Dan Fox |