Legacy Russell

Legacy Russell is a writer and curator. She is executive director and chief curator at The Kitchen, New York, USA. She received the Thoma Foundation Arts Writing Award in Digital Art in 2019 and was a 2020 Rauschenberg Residency Fellow. Her first book, GLITCH FEMINISM: A Manifesto, was released in 2020. Her second book, BLACK MEME: A History of the Images that Make Us, was also released by Verso Books in May 2024. She lives in New York.

Artist Rene Matić and the author discuss her latest book, which charts how Black visual culture became a blueprint for the modern viral image

BY Legacy Russell AND Rene Matić |

Rhea Dillon, Harmony Holiday, Legacy Russell, Bolanle Tajudeen and McKenzie Wark honour the influential US author and thinker

The author of Glitch Feminism on correcting the cyberfeminist canon, the Black trauma at the root of memes and why online space is still ‘real’

BY Momtaza Mehri AND Legacy Russell |