With moderation by Henna Joo, a professor at Hong-Ik University, the session focuses on the current situation where multiple forms of art fairs are simultaneously held in what can be termed an explosion era of art fairs, it will explore innovative directions and changes in art fairs and what they should pursue in the shifting landscape of art market. It also approaches the impact and significance of art fairs on the art market from diverse perspectives of professionals.
모더레이터: 주연화 (홍익대학교 문화예술경영대학원, 부교수)
앤소니 알랜 (폴라쿠퍼갤러리, 파트너)
박원재 (원앤제이 갤러리, 대표)
린한 (엠우드 미술관, 창립자 & 컬렉터)
완완 레이 (엠우드 미술관, 창립자 & 컬렉터)
조쉬 타데우스 존스 (아트시, 시니어 에디터)