Savannah Harris, © The Artist

London | Breakfast With Artist Savannah Harris

October 2024
London, United Kingdom

Frieze 91 members are invited to a special breakfast event with artist Savannah Harris, represented by Harlesden High Street, ahead of her Focus Booth presentation at Frieze London 2024. 

Join us for an opportunity to view her works up close and engage with the artist about her creative process in an informal setting.

Harris’ practice intuitively moves through and alongside forms of colour, both spontaneous and heavy in nature, producing complex geometric shapes on the surface of the picture plane. Often incorporating sand, these works embody erosion - a sense of wearing away. Tying into Harris’ Caribbean and Cuban heritage, the sand in these paintings also links to a history of lived experience; a material found in her familial landscape, transported to add physicality to her internalised landscape. 

Don’t miss this chance to explore her unique approach before her works are showcased by Harlesden High Street in the Focus Section of Frieze London, Booth F23.

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