in Culture Digest | 27 5월 16

Weekend Reading List

As Yuri Pattison wins the 2016 Frieze Artist Award, we revisit some of the best frieze articles about art, Big Data and you

in Culture Digest | 27 5월 16

Working with digital media, video and sculpture, Yuri Pattison’s winning proposal for Frieze Projects 2016 explores ‘trending’ data and systems of interpretation and control. 

Taking Yuri's lead, this week's Weekend Reading List presents a number of interviews, opinion pieces and profile from the frieze archive, each considering the art world’s varied responses to the sprawling, hyper-modernized lanscape of the 21st century.

  • Robin can den Akker asks how social networks are changing the city.
  • Dan Fox responds to the useful mistakes, ikebana and messy cultural assumptions in the work of Camille Henrot.
  • Safety in Numbers’: Jörg Heiser asks seven artists, writers and academics to reflect on the art’s response to algorithms, big data and surveillance.
  • From this year's Frieze New York Talks programme, listen to artist Lawrence Abu Hamdan and musician Holly Herndon talking about their shared interests in sound and surveillance.
  • Memes, movable type, copies and collective agency in the art of Oliver Laric.
  • Alexander Provan considers what it's like to stand on the precipice of virtual reality.
  • Markus Weisbeck profiles Muriel Cooper, the pioneering graphic designer who anticipated the digital revolution.
  • OK Computer?’ John Menick looks at that age-old opposition of man vs. machine.
  • Andrew Hultkrans questions whether Philip K. Dick predicted the future of surveillance.
  • Infinite Lives’: Gary Zhexi Zhang delves into the online anthropology of Jon Rafman.
  • And finally, a frieze Portfolio from this year's Frieze Artist Award winner, Yuri Pattison