Weekend Reading List
From the art of opacity to Joan Didion on race and the problem of good intentions: what to read this weekend
From the art of opacity to Joan Didion on race and the problem of good intentions: what to read this weekend

- Autonomy trumps expertise: on what people don’t get about American working class identity.
- Real estate mogul of the free world: Trump, architecture and American politics.
- ‘A racist is someone who refuses what he doesn’t understand. I can accept what I don’t understand.’ From the frieze archives: Edouard Glissant and the right to be opaque.
- The accidental anarchist? David Graeber on anthropology as political tool.
- From Fluxus to musical minimalism: a frieze interview with Yoshi and Tashi Wada.
- ‘“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” someone said to me at dinner not long ago, and before we had finished our fraises des bois he had advised me as well that “no man is an island”’ – excerpts from Joan Didion’s essay on the dangers of superficial, and self-indulgent, white social liberalism.
- Do Western institutional exhibitions of ‘non-Western art’ continue to ignore the complications of diasporic identity?
- Taking account: Mike Davis offers a provisional analysis of the US election results.