Hettie Judah

Hettie Judah is a writer based in London, UK.

After 34 years as Head of Hayward Gallery Touring, the ‘organizer’ looks back on a career spent championing art exhibitions outside of London

BY Hettie Judah |

‘Spellbound’ at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, traces magic and ritual from the Middle Ages to today

BY Hettie Judah |

At Herald St, London, the artist presents paintings filled with smooth ovoid forms and the suggestion of a single, otherworldly light source

BY Hettie Judah |

Recent paintings by Caragh Thuring, Phoebe Unwin and Clare Woods mine the tension between physical and imagined worlds

BY Hettie Judah |

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of WWI, The Head & The Load at Tate Modern makes incomprehension the work’s guiding theme

BY Hettie Judah |

Is the lack of social mobility in the arts due to a self-congratulatory conviction that the sector represents the solution rather than the problem?

BY Hettie Judah |

Sir Simon Rattle and the LSO bring Stockhausen’s Gruppen für drei Orchester to the Tate’s cavernous space, 50 years after its London debut

BY Hettie Judah |

With a new performance work for Manifesta 12 in Palermo, the Amsterdam-based artist explores a state of continuous partial attention

BY Hettie Judah |

In a climate of perma-outrage has live art self-censored to live entertainment?

BY Hettie Judah |

In our era of easy outrage, the first statue of a woman in Parliament Square is a timely celebration of unwavering belief

BY Hettie Judah |

The artist's ominous paintings suggest imminent threat and moral decline at Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry

BY Hettie Judah |

Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Turin, Italy

BY Hettie Judah |

Are recent innovations in sustainable fashion enough to save the planet? 

BY Hettie Judah |

South London Gallery, London, UK

BY Hettie Judah |

At the Serpentine Marathon, artists and scientists considered AI, paranoia and the supernatural in an age of machine learning

BY Hettie Judah |

Scarpati’s last and only work to survive him, ‘Putti’s Pudding’ (1989) was shown at Studio Voltaire, London, UK

BY Hettie Judah |

Stills Gallery, Edinburgh, UK

BY Hettie Judah |

Turner Contemporary, Margate, UK

BY Hettie Judah |

Barbican Art Gallery, London, UK

BY Hettie Judah |

On the singer’s glam debut album 

BY Hettie Judah |