
Showing results 1-8 of 8

Kevin Beasley, Suzanne McClelland and Hank Willis Thomas use sports jerseys to consider the game’s politics of gender, race and class 

BY Emily Stamey |

The painter and former gymnastics teacher offers tips for getting fit

BY Jamian Juliano-Villani |

After years of controversy around Zaha Hadid’s doomed proposal, Kuma’s sober design arrived on time and within budget – only for the games to be postponed 

BY Azby Brown |

From the stadium to the gallery, both attempt to invoke a sense of extreme concentration

BY Orit Gat |

At the end of July, the footballer announced his resignation from the German national football team – why?

BY Jörg Heiser |

The images of Team Refugee at the Olympics offers a glimmer of hope in a gloomy summer

BY Isobel Harbison |

The precarity of the Minor League Baseball player ... and writers

BY Sam Korman |

The art of football

BY Jennifer Doyle |