Frieze Masters Podcast 2024, Episode 7: Plastic Power

Nathalie Du Pasquier, Annabelle Selldorf and Abraham Thomas on art’s encounters with other creative spheres, presented in collaboration with dunhill

in Frieze Masters , Podcasts | 29 NOV 24
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‘When you make a painting, you want to make a good painting. You are more interested in the composition of the things, than in the precise description of the things.’ – Nathalie Du Pasquier 

In the seventh and final episode of the 2024 Frieze Masters Podcast, artist Nathalie Du Pasquier, architect Annabelle Selldorf and Curator Abraham Thomas discuss the plasticity of the creative environment, and the collisions and contrasts between the visions of artists, architects and curators. 

Nathalie du Pasquier is an artist and co-founder of the Memphis design group in the 1980s; Annabelle Selldorf of Selldorf Architects has a global practice with expertise in complex cultural projects, including museums and temporary structures such as Frieze Masters; and Abraham Thomas is the Daniel Brodsky Curator of Modern Architecture, Design and Decorative Arts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. 

About Frieze Masters Podcast

The Frieze Masters Podcast is back for 2024, bringing you the annual Frieze Masters Talks programme recorded during this year’s fair. The series of seven discussions was curated by Sheena Wagstaff and Shanay Jhaveri, with the title ‘The Creative Mind’, and features 21 intergenerational and international speakers exploring how the art of the past can help make sense of the present.

The series includes topics ‘The State We’re In’, ‘The Faces of Community’ and ‘The Power of Painting’, with speakers ranging from artists – Nairy Baghramian, Jeremy Deller, Nathalie Du Pasquier, Shirazeh Houshiary, Mark Leckey, Glenn Ligon, Ming Smith – to curators such as Gabriele Finaldi, Glenn Lowry and Victoria Siddall, plus writers, thinkers, architects and politicians. 

Listen now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

The Frieze Masters Talks programme and the Frieze Masters Podcast are brought to you by Frieze in collaboration with dunhill.

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Main Image: Nathalie Du Pasquier, Untitled, 2000. Oil on canvas, 100 cm × 150 cm. Courtesy: the artist