
Showing results 521-540 of 864

Q. What do you wish you knew? A. How to sing and play guitar better than Caetano Veloso.

BY ​Christian Jankowski |

Anthony McCall reflects on sculpting with light and durational drawing in his 40-year career

BY Hatty Nestor |

With her Whitechapel show opening today in London, Mary Heilmann talks about studying in California, ‘home arts’ and surfing

BY Amy Sherlock |

A conversation with theatre director Milo Rau about responsibility, empathy and 'meta-slavery'

BY Dominikus Müller |

Q. What do you wish you knew? A. How to drive an HGV; how to repair a roof.

Amy Sherlock chairs a discussion between Caroline Achaintre, Aaron Angell, Alison Britton and Richard Slee about their work in clay

BY Amy Sherlock |

Ahead of her upcoming solo show at the Whitney Museum in New York, Sophia Al-Maria talks shopping malls, war, climate change and Gulf futurism

BY Jennifer Kabat |

Q: If you could live with only one piece of art, what would it be? A: ‘Probably my old Schimmel upright piano.’

BY Jóhann Jóhannsson |

Taryn Simon speaks about her new project, a collaboration with a nuclear facility in Russia

BY Pablo Larios |

Q. What do you like the look of? A. I like the look of you. You're looking pretty good.

BY Sarah McCrory |

Q. What should stay the same? A. I don’t understand the question.

BY Park Seo-Bo |

Frieze Projects curator, Cecilia Alemani, reveals her unrealized (and occasionally unrealizable) projects

Jacolby Satterwhite talks to Evan Moffitt about animation, sex and choreography

BY Evan Moffitt |

Judith Clark talks to Diane Simpson about the influence of abstraction, architecture and fashion on her sculptures

BY Judith Clark |

Matt Mullican talks about his 40-year career in relation to his recent project, The Meaning of Things

BY Jörg Heiser |

The artist Julia Scher talks about her series of 'Surveillance Beds'

BY Noemi Smolik |

Q. If you could live with only one piece of art what would it be? A. Las Meninas (1656), my first art-love. 

BY David Lamelas |

Q. What should change? A. My hairstyle.

BY Imran Qureshi |

Artist Peter Wächtler talked to Walter Swennen about the pitfalls of poetry and painting as an impure practice

BY Peter Wächtler AND Walter Swennen |

Q. What should change? A. Religious obsessions.