
Showing results 41-58 of 58

Q. What should change? A. Everything: that's just how the world is

BY Zeng Fanzhi |

Q. What do you wish you knew? A. How to sing and play guitar better than Caetano Veloso.

BY ​Christian Jankowski |

Q: If you could live with only one piece of art, what would it be? A: ‘Probably my old Schimmel upright piano.’

BY Jóhann Jóhannsson |

Q. What should stay the same? A. I don’t understand the question.

BY Park Seo-Bo |

Q. What should change? A. Religious obsessions.

Q: What should stay the same? A: The sky in New Mexico, which is why we live there.

Q: What should change? A: Poverty in the world. Injustice.

BY Agnès Varda |

Q: What should stay the same? A: Nature.

BY Jim Shaw |

Q: What should stay the same? A: The desire to tell stories

BY Elena Ferrante |

Q. What image keeps you company in the space where you work? A. An enormous, airbrushed, lenticular hologram of myself.

BY Casey Jane Ellison |

Q. What do you like the look of? A. The everyday world: grand and microscopic.

BY Joan Jonas |

Q: What images keep you company in the space where you work?

A: None. I just try to concentrate on what I am doing.

BY Daniel Buren |

Q: What music are you listening to? A: Things that would disgust my teenage self; I have betrayed her.

BY Sophia Al-Maria |

Q: What do you wish you knew? A: I wish I knew less.

BY Karl Ove Knausgård |

Q. What could you imagine doing if you didn’t do what you do? A. Drifting on a boat.

BY Anna Maria Maiolino |

Q. What do you wish you knew? A. How to answer questions in a complex, honest and clever way.

BY Barbara Kruger |

Q: What was the first poem you remember reading? A: Beowulf, at school. 

BY Sue Tompkins |