in Frieze | 29 SEP 19

East End Gallery Afternoon, with Chisenhale Gallery

Join us on Sunday 29 September to explore the East End's vibrant gallery scene

in Frieze | 29 SEP 19

Galleries located in the East End will host afternoon viewings for Frieze audiences, including an afternoon tea at Chisenhale Gallery, with a special curator's tour of Sidsel Meineche Hansen’s new commission at 3.30pm

Frieze galleries and east end based non-profits participating include:
(for Google Maps view, click here)

Chisenhale Gallery
Hales Gallery
Herald St
Kate MacGarry
Maureen Paley
Parasol unit
The Approach
Union Pacific
mother's tankstation
Project Native Informant
Hollybush Gardens
Modern Art
Edouard Malingue