BY Malik Nashad Sharpe in Music | 10 OCT 24

Frieze DJ in Residence: Marikiscrycrycry

The choreographer and movement director curates a genre-bending playlist for those who embrace contradiction

BY Malik Nashad Sharpe in Music | 10 OCT 24

These are tracks to listen to in the fast-lane, swerving in and out of traffic, on the back of a motorcycle driven by an anonymous speed demon. As it relates to my work that is being written about concurrently in frieze magazine, risking ones life on the back of a motorbike feels related to themes which are pervasive in 'Goner'. These songs are irreverent tracks that someone already gone might enjoy dying to, or nonchalantly risking one's life to - feel good, culturally resonant, idealist, fast-paced and moody. This is music for those who find beauty and meaning in the act of pushing boundaries, both sonically and in life. The songs are not necessarily reflective of the music that are in the show Travis is writing about, but they do capture the essence of what drives that kind of artistic endeavour.

This playlist also says something about me - a former emo-kid, first-generation American/Brit with Caribbean heritage, growing up in the far-flung suburbs of New York City - spanning contemporary soca, dancehall, but also hardcore, emo, plugg and rap, with some electronic and pop thrown in for good measure. Maybe its music a Goner would listen to. They are also tracks that inspire me to think conceptually, to hold contradiction and ambivalence in balance. They are tracks that snapshot their moments, that say something about who we are, where we are and our cultural politics.

Issue 246 of frieze magazine sees Travis Alabanza pen a tribute to Marikiscrycrycry’s choreographic horror ‘Goner’.


Main image: marikiscrycrycry, Goner, 2024. Courtesy: IMPERMANENCE, The Mount Without; photography: Paul Blakemore