BY Dan Fox in Reviews | 25 NOV 09

Hard Times

The New York Times reports that a major survey studying the effect the recession is having on American artists has been published by non-profit artist-support organization Leveraging Investments in Creativity, in collaboration with Princeton Survey Research Associates International and the Helicon Collaborative, a consulting firm that advises non-profit groups.

When it comes to discussions about art and money, there is the popular and erroneous assumption (usually parroted in the UK by newspaper columnists who should know better) that, just because super-remunerated artists such as Jeff Koons or Tracey Emin earn a tidy wage, the vast majority of contemporary artists are rolling in cash. Although the Leveraging Investments in Creativity survey focuses on a range of creative people from the visual arts through filmmaking to architecture, music and writing, and how they have been affected by the economic downturn since last year, the survey also reflects the hard financial reality that most artists face, regardless of market boom and bust.

BY Dan Fox in Reviews | 25 NOV 09

Dan Fox is a writer, filmmaker and musician. He is the author of Pretentiousness: Why It Matters (2016) and Limbo (2018), both published by Fitzcarraldo Editions, and co-director of Other, Like Me: The Oral History of COUM Transmissions and Throbbing Gristle (2020).