BY Dan Fox in Reviews | 16 APR 09

Self-portrait of the artist under interrogation

Here’s a link to an article by Sean Snyder, published in the latest issue of the e-flux journal. Snyder begins by describing the occasion he was detained and questioned at Tel Aviv airport by an El Al security official. He uses the questions he was asked at the airport as the structure for frank ruminations on the role of artists in relation to the mechanisms of the art system, discourse, and context. Worth a look for those interested in some of the issues also discussed in the March 2009 edition of frieze, themed around ‘Professionalization’.

BY Dan Fox in Reviews | 16 APR 09

Dan Fox is a writer, filmmaker and musician. He is the author of Pretentiousness: Why It Matters (2016) and Limbo (2018), both published by Fitzcarraldo Editions, and co-director of Other, Like Me: The Oral History of COUM Transmissions and Throbbing Gristle (2020).