LIVE Performance: Sophie Jung

Taxpayer’s Money

Saturday 5 October 2019
6:00pm - 12:00am
L4 | Frieze London
Regent's Park
United Kingdom
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Working across text, sculpture and performance, Jung’s work navigates the politics of representation and challenges the selective silencing that happens by concluding.

Jung activates a sculptural setting through a series of unannounced performances, transforming elements of the installation into visceral props and back again.

By playing through objects’ conflicting pluralities, Jung reveals the neoliberal imperative of absolute utility and supposed common sense, as a violent farce. Seeking alternative systems of logic, Taxpayer’s Money explores absurdity, austerity, utility and ownership.

Presented by Sophie Tappeiner

Sophie Jung (born 1982, lives and works in London and Basel): Recent solo exhibitions and performances include: Kunstmuseum Basel | Gegenwart; Block Universe, London (2018-2019); JOAN, LA (2019); Kunsthalle Basel (2018); Primary, Nottingham (2018); Blain | Southern, London (2017); Kunstraum, London (2017); Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna (2017); and Temnikova & Kasela (2016). Upcoming solo exhibitions: Casino Luxemburg and The Swiss Institute, Milan (2020). Jung won a scholarship at ISCP in New York (2015), Swiss Art Award (2016, 2019) and the Manor Kunstpreis (2018).


L4 | Frieze London

Regent's Park
United Kingdom