In an era dominated by digital technology, the artists delve into its complexities and consequences. The works offer critical reflection on how technology shapes our perceptions, labour practices, and identities, emphasizing the importance of navigating these changes thoughtfully and sustainably.

Yuyan Wang questions the true essence of what we perceive and experience in the digital age, highlighting the lack of substantive experiences. Ayoung Kim raises questions about the impact of technology on labour and human identity, highlighting issues of optimization and the human cost of efficiency. Clemens von Wedemeyer examines the transformative impact of technological networks on society. It concludes with a warning from the future, urging viewers to reconsider the consequences of our current technological trajectory.


Yuyan Wang, One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean, 2021, 11 min 

Ayoung Kim, Delivery Dancer's Sphere, 2022, 25 min 

Clemens von Wedemeyer, Esiod, 2015, 2016, 38 min


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