
Showing results 461-480 of 853

Zu den Filmen von Philip Scheffner

BY Esther Buss |

A report from the 54th Kraków Film Festival

BY Ela Bittencourt |

The life and work of Swiss filmmaker Peter Liechti, who died in April

BY Bert Rebhandl |

How Zurich-based designer Julian Zigerli is redefining men’s fashion

BY Katrin Kruse |

Omer Fast’s film adaptation of Tom McCarthy’s book, Remainder

BY Tom Morton |

Three new publications by artists catalogue the minutiae of contemporary existence

BY Robert Barry |

Image and imagination in the films of Alain Resnais

BY Jonathon Sturgeon |

In pursuit of Erik Satie

BY Charlie Fox |

Heinz Mack on his sculptural work The Sky Over Nine Columns that will be installed in Venice this summer

BY Heinz Mack |

Berlin-based dancer and choreographer Adam Linder and his reinterpretation of Jean Cocteau’s seminal ballet Parade

BY Astrid Kaminski |

The most embarrassing moment in Peter Carey’s memoir Wrong About Japan (2005) has to be when he naively queries a master sword maker about the ethics of conferring sublime artistry in the crafting of an instrument of death. Carey mangles it in great fashion, though I’m certain many readers would feel he struck a bold intervention into Japan’s supposed disregard of post-war ethics. I had forgotten about Wrong About Japan until the release of Hayao Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises (2013).

BY Philip Brophy |

Combustion and digestion in Matthew Barney’s latest work

BY Ross Simonini |

Radical filmmaking at the Sensory Ethnography Lab

BY Agnieszka Gratza |

For this regular series, artist Yngve Holen explains the processes behind his experiments with 3D scanning and printing

BY Pablo Larios |

Nailing jelly to a wall: Diedrich Diederichsen’s attempt to define Pop music

BY Thomas Hübener |

Sex work in the service age: Tatjana Turanskyj’s new film Top Girl

BY Esther Buss |

In Rimini Protokoll’s productions, real life appears theatrical, and theatre seems more like real life

BY Christy Lange |

Has 12 Years a Slave finally exorcised Hollywood’s racist legacy? A consideration of representations of slavery on screen from The Birth of a Nation to Django Unchained and Belle

BY Morgan Quaintance |

Magali Reus is part of a group of young, London-based artists exploring sleek surfaces and abject bodies

BY Amy Sherlock |

Dropped from the psychic landscape of British pop and undetected by the radar of retromania, where did these diverse communities go?

BY Dan Fox |