Frieze Film 2023

Showing results 1-20 of 38

A group of teenagers traverse a utopian city, their journey nuanced with poetic texts and motifs borrowed from 19th-century Sicilian fairy tales

A complex surreal tapestry that blurs the boundaries between science fiction, archaeology and youthful spontaneity

With nods to noir and German Expresionism, Strafer’s film is an intriguingly wonky piece of meta-cinema

A film that champions the shipworm, a tiny marine creature that ate away at the vessels involved in the Atlantic slave trade

Notions of authenticity and performance are questioned in a distortion of the conventional frameworks of narrative cinema

An anthropological narrative of migration seen through a landscape that was frozen during the last ice age but is now jungly and equatorial

Referencing an iconic moment of frivolity in a time of revolution from art history, Kukama reinterprets a playful act into a critique of the power dynamics at play in contemporary Johannesburg

A deeply personal retrospection on the influence of US foreign policy on the decades-long civil war in Angola  

This year’s wide-ranging programme, showing at the ICA and online, ‘offers a thoughtful exploration of contemporary realities, encouraging viewers to engage critically with the world around them’

The vibrant and conflicted world of Blackpool: from nostalgic affection for the British seaside to the harrowing toll of the AIDS years on its gay scene

Embracing the English autocorrection of her Korean given name, Chung subverts the all-too-common immigrant experience of cultural erasure


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