
Showing results 121-140 of 241

A work-in-progress about the complex world of the Bedouins

BY Daniel Horn |

The image of ‘work’ and the relation between art and labour

BY Max Andrews |

Posthumanism, sci-fi novels and technology

BY Domenick Ammirati |

The recent activities of the Cairo-based film collective

The intermingling of conceptual and material worlds

BY Vivian Sky Rehberg |

The spaces between rumour, information and circulation

BY Jonathan P. Watts |

A portrait of the West Bank that fuses fact and fiction

BY Katya García-Antón |

Studio pottery, anti-art, John Fahey and compost

BY Tom Morton |

Sisyphean tasks and the failed Utopias of Modernist architecture

BY Noemi Smolik |

The Kosovar artist’s biographical narratives and loaded artefacts

BY Pablo Larios |

Motion-capture choreography, street fights, Looney Tunes and ‘hybrid cinema’

BY Kari Rittenbach |

A collaboration that began with a castle in the Carpathians

BY Amy Sherlock |

Utopian Modernism, children’s toys and art in the public realm

BY Wes Hill |

Filmmaking as a ‘series of introductions’

The Japanese artist discusses photography and the viewer as an intermediary

BY Andrew Maerkle |

Cultural anthropology via impersonation, pageantry and apprenticeship

BY Carmen Winant |

Withholding, covering up and glimpsing the secret world of objects

BY Rahma Khazam |

Film as social experiment, and learning how to communicate without speaking

BY Kirsty Bell |

Narratives of scent and material decay

BY Kari Rittenbach |

Forensic listening and juridical speaking