Pretty, Pretty Good

Showing results 1-20 of 29

On limousines, road trips and mobility

BY Jennifer Allen |

Do we live in a time of ‘patho-politics’?

BY Jennifer Allen |

Looking back at John Berger’s G. and Ways of Seeing, published 40 years ago

BY Jennifer Allen |

Spectatorship, fatigue and addiction

BY Jennifer Allen |

Art and the Cold Civil War

BY Jennifer Allen |

Have American conservatives taken over transgression?

The changing appearance of money

BY Jennifer Allen |

What can artists learn from writers?

BY Jennifer Allen |

Narcissism is back in fashion

BY Jennifer Allen |

Should artists join arguments about national belonging?

BY Jennifer Allen |

On his 100th birthday, a reappraisal of Marshall McLuhan’s prophecies

BY Jennifer Allen |

The problems of storing art

BY Jennifer Allen |

Berlin’s search for a kunsthalle

BY Jennifer Allen |

New approaches to evoking the idea of death

The dematerialization of the moving image

BY Jennifer Allen |

Has a theory been replaced by a technology?

BY Jen Allen |

How we’re getting used to the view from above

BY Jennifer Allen |

Snow White, architecture and intolerance

BY Jennifer Allen |

Finding different cures for sadness

BY Jennifer Allen |

The death and resurrection of photography in a digitized world

BY Jennifer Allen |