
Showing results 1341-1360 of 1567

Artists explore the space between production and consumption: who is addressed and how?

Paulina Olowska’s alternative history of the avant-garde is populated by both real and fictional heroines

Anarchy and fashion, identity, celebrity and a collaboratively written novel

For almost 30 years Thomas Schütte has been concerned with puncturing manifestations of power and subjection

Carol Bove mines the recent past: the sexual revolution, key books and the most immediate of historical deposits – style

Adventure and anthropology, false economics and ditch digging in Devon

Activism and animation, Henry Darger and the 'War on Terror'

'Rational Mysticism', Modernism and crime novels, August Strindberg and detuned guitars

Michaël Borremans explores the potent significance of painting and drawing with grim humour and surreal clarity

Sprial Jetty is overrun with day-trippers, and you can sign up for a 'Tour of the Monuments of the Great American Void'. So much for geologic entropy

David Thorpe's collages, books and sculptures describe a fantasy separatist ccommunity in a fictional wilderness - images of loneliness entwined with the appeal of solitude

Tacita Dean's private mythologies and homages are explored through journeys and chance connections; yet the structure and logic of the work remains elusive

A worldly post-Minimalism, understatement, a singer's lament, dissonance and Feminism

BY Dominic Eichler |

Aimlessness and sunlight, everyday life and introspection, communities and kitchens

BY Jennifer Higgie |

Satire and television, debris and progressive Rock, psychotic cinema, the gallery as a liver

Platforms and plinths, werewolves and crystals, severed heads, discos and skeletons

Joanne Tatham and Tom O’Sullivan’s sculptures, installations and performances mine the space between what you want from something and what that something has to give

Last year the Hubble Space Telescope took a long, hard, deep look at what appears to be a nearly empty spot inthe night sky near the constellation Fornax

She is a mightly fabulist, an artist who creates vast and lanyrinthine worlds which she uses as settings for miasmic tales of longing and delusion

BY Marcus Verhagen |

Her videos gently unhinge your sense of time and space. No special effects are used, and all the actions shown are real events, none of them what you might call spectacular