BY Hanayo in Frieze | 05 JUN 24

Frieze DJ in Residence: Hanayo

The artist and photographer shares a selection of her favourite tracks

BY Hanayo in Frieze | 05 JUN 24

For your listening (and dancing) pleasure – a playlist from the legendary photographer and musician Hanayo, whose beautiful snapshots of Tokyo illustrate our feature on Four Galleries to Watch in Tokyo and comprise the content of frieze’s first-ever zine, ‘Hanayo’s Tokyo’.  

Hanayo conceptualized her playlist as a two-sided cassette: the first seven songs comprise side A's 'No More War’, and the last seven belong to side B's 'Over the Rainbow'. Hanayo’s track choices range from the poppy post-punk of female duo Nav Katze, to iconic Japanese singer Chiemi Eri’s jazzy 60s sound, to a playful piano piece from Ryuichi Sakamoto. Always soulful, fun, energetic and exciting, these tracks are the perfect summer soundtrack, curated by one of Tokyo’s most prolific artists.  

Main image: Courtesy: Hanayo

Hanayo is an artist, photographer and musician.