in Frieze Seoul , Videos | 02 SEP 24

Bokyung Jun: ‘I Swear, I Am Not a Robot’

in Frieze Seoul , Videos | 02 SEP 24
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Bokyung Jun, I Swear, I Am Not a Robot, 2021. Single-channel 4K video, stereo sound, 23 min 50 sec. All rights reserved by the artist

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About the Work

Bokyung Jun explores the human body’s perception of technology and modernism in Asia. Since 2016, Jun has transformed artisans’ gestures and stories into art. Her work examines the value of skilled labour and the evolving relationship between humans and machines, questioning the boundaries of art and non-human existence. In her video work, Jun contrasts human movement with robotic precision by translating complex robotic actions into directional arrows, which performers interpret using various body parts. This approach highlights how humans uniquely embody and interpret information, unlike robots that replicate codes flawlessly. Each performer adds their imagination, bodily capabilities, and rhythmic sensibilities, resulting in varied movements that underscore human creativity and variability. I Swear, I Am Not a Robot emphasizes the dynamic and imperfect nature of human movement in contrast with robotic uniformity and precision. 

About the Artist 

Bokyung Jun (b.1979; based in Seoul, South Korea) is an artist who explores the intersection of humans and machines, examining how technological mediation continuously restructures human beings. She focusses on the human body as a key interface that connects different environments, embracing emotional and material transformations. Her work invites viewers to reconsider the boundaries between humans and technology, highlighting their evolving relationship and potential for new understanding and coexistence. Recent exhibitions include Seoul Museum of Art (2024); Coreana Museum of Art, Seoul (2023); SONGEUN, Seoul (2022); and SEA Foundation, Netherland (2021). 


For the third year in a row, Frieze Film returns to Frieze Seoul 2024. This year’s programme is presented in partnership with Ewha Media Art Presentation (EMAP) and is on view from 2 – 6 September at Ewha Womans University and online at 

Curated by Joowon Park and Valentine Umansky, this year’s programme is titled ‘All that Weaves the Universe: Of Quantum Entanglements’. It brings together time-based media works of 37 international artists, unfolding under eight chapters.

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