in Frieze Seoul | 02 SEP 24

Shaun Gladwell: ‘Apologies 1–6’

in Frieze Seoul | 02 SEP 24
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Shaun Gladwell, Apologies 1–6, 2007–09. HD video, 16:9, stereo sound, colour, 27 min 9 sec. © Shaun Gladwell. Courtesy of the Artist and PALAS, Sydney 

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About the Work

Apologies 1–6 finds a performer riding a motorbike on the Australian open road. The rider suddenly comes to a stop alongside ‘roadkill’ – kangaroos killed by traffic collisions – which they gently cradle and whisper to, as if offering an apology or intoning a burial prayer. In this film, the animals represent the physical front-line in the confrontation between humankind and the natural world.

About the Artist 

Shaun Gladwell (b. 1972; based in Sydney, Australia) uses disciplines of human movement to investigate function and meaning within urban, natural and extended reality environments. His oeuvre is considered an important contribution to the cataloguing and celebration of movement-based subcultures that have emerged within his generation. The artist has also been recognized for pioneering work with immersive, extended reality technologies. Gladwell contextualizes ‘the new’ by identifying parallels and patterns throughout the history of art, cultural production and philosophy. Gladwell has been the subject of numerous solo institutional exhibitions in Australia, Europe and North America. His works are held in museum collections including Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney; Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Museum of Fine Art, Houston; Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. 


For the third year in a row, Frieze Film returns to Frieze Seoul 2024. This year’s programme is presented in partnership with Ewha Media Art Presentation (EMAP) and on view from 2 – 6 September at Ewha Womans University and online at 

Curated by Joowon Park and Valentine Umansky, this year’s programme is titled ‘All that Weaves the Universe: Of Quantum Entanglements’. It brings together time-based media works of 37 international artists, unfolding across eight chapters.

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