in Frieze Seoul | 02 SEP 24

Sungyeon Park: ‘Dowsing Rod’

in Frieze Seoul | 02 SEP 24
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Park Sungyeon, Dowsing Rod, 2019. Single-channel video, stereo sound, HD, 9 min 40 sec. All rights reserved by the artist   

About the Work

Dowsing Rod combines the artist’s own experience of dowsing in an open field with the painting The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind (1568) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Through the medium of dowsing, the artist reflects on society’s indiscriminate lust for ephemeral prestige, status, illusion, desire, class and power.  

About the Artist

Park Sungyeon is an artist, educator and researcher, whose artistic and social language is interdisciplinary and complex. She seeks to challenge societal beliefs about art by representing trivial parts of daily life through a diverse range of artistic genres, such as literature, theatre and sound. 


For the third year in a row, Frieze Film returns to Frieze Seoul 2024. This year’s programme is presented in partnership with Ewha Media Art Presentation (EMAP) and is on view from 2 – 6 September at Ewha Womans University and online at 

Curated by Joowon Park and Valentine Umansky, this year’s programme is titled ‘All that Weaves the Universe: Of Quantum Entanglements’. It brings together time-based media works of 37 international artists, unfolding under eight chapters.

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