in Frieze Seoul , Videos | 02 SEP 24

Woo Jae Lim: ‘Scroll-Stroll’

in Frieze Seoul , Videos | 02 SEP 24
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Woo Jae Lim, Scroll-Stroll, 2024. Single-channel video, stereo sound, HD, 10 min 50 sec. All rights reserved by the artist 

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About the Work

Scroll-Stroll presents an aerial view of a solitary figure navigating an ever-changing urban landscape, with the city unfolding below like a webpage. The central figure remains constant and repetitive. Lim examines digital technology’s impact on our connection to nature, showing how this bond becomes mediated, distanced and vulnerable. Using mechanical viewpoints and fragmented imagery, she explores non-place spaces where human and non-human boundaries are redefined. The work captures how our perception is confined within digital screens, reimagining and transforming our fundamental relationship with the natural world. It highlights the evolving, fragile connection between humans and nature in a digital age. 

About the Artist 

Woo Jae Lim (b. 1987; based in Seoul, South Korea) is an artist whose work primarily encompasses video and installation media. She explores the potential expansion into hybrid and virtual spaces, examining the transformative impact of digital media on contemporary urban environments. Recent exhibitions include SONGEUN, Seoul (2020); and CAN Foundation, Seoul (2017). 


For the third year in a row, Frieze Film returns to Frieze Seoul 2024. This year’s programme is presented in partnership with Ewha Media Art Presentation (EMAP) and is on view from 2 – 6 September at Ewha Womans University and online at 

Curated by Joowon Park and Valentine Umansky, this year’s programme is titled ‘All that Weaves the Universe: Of Quantum Entanglements’. It brings together time-based media works of 37 international artists, unfolding under eight chapters.

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