Gerry Canavan

Gerry Canavan is an associate professor of 20th and 21st century literature at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US. He is the author of Octavia E. Butler (2016). He tweets: @gerrycanavan.

In the 2010s, nearly every blockbuster film has been a visual-effects-driven fantasy spectacle owned and distributed by a single corporation

BY Gerry Canavan |

The fantasy series’ nihilistic refusal of meaning is the bravest TV finale since ‘The Sopranos’

BY Gerry Canavan |

The infamous line ‘It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism’ was made for this film

BY Gerry Canavan |

Avengers: Infinity War confirms the domination of mass culture by the franchise: what ever happened to narrative closure?

BY Gerry Canavan |

The mythic time of comic-book narrative represents a fatal challenge to the film’s transcendent politics

BY Gerry Canavan |